Swiss - Japanese Workshop on Multimedia Content Structuring and Access
The Japanese and Swiss participants are recognized as the leaders in their fields in the Asia and EU, respectively, and their work and experience to a large extent complement each other. Indeed, both the Swiss and Japanese institutions involved in this seminar proposal have been awarded centre of excellence status in their respective countries and have been involved with large projects in multimedia content and large-scale knowledge organisation for a considerable time. By bringing together the two leaders in these regions the aim is to build a world-leader in the research of multimedia content structuring and access.
For more information, visit
- What
- Workshop
- When
2007-09-03 08:00 to
2007-09-05 16:00
- Where
- Martigny, Lausanne, Geneva
- Name
- François Foglia
- Contact Email
- ffoglia ()
Last modified 2007-09-20 08:48