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09.00-09.15 Opening by Prof Hervé Bourlard, NCCR Director
09.15-10.15 Keynote speaker: Dr. Jerome R. Bellegarda, Apple, Inc.

Title: Natural Language Interaction for Personal Assistance: the Siri Experience

Jerome R. Bellegarda is Apple Distinguished Scientist in Human Language Technologies at Apple Inc, Cupertino, California.
He was instrumental in the due diligence process leading to Apple's acquisition of Siri personal assistant technology, and subsequently helped set initial strategic directions for Siri integration into iOS. His general interests span voice-driven man-machine communications, multiple input/output modalities, and multimedia knowledge management. In these areas he has written close to 200 publications, and holds over 50 U.S. and foreign patents.
He has served on many international scientific committees, review panels, and advisory boards. In particular, he has worked as Expert Advisor on speech and language technologies for both the U.S. National Science Foundation and the European Commission, was Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, served on the IEEE Signal Processing Society Speech Technical Committee, and is currently an Editorial Board member for both Speech Communication and the ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing. He is a Fellow of both IEEE and ISCA (International Speech Communication Association).
10.15-10.45 Coffee Break
10.45-12.25 IM2 Scientific Talks

Dr. David Imseng, Idiap Research Institute [more info]
Title: "Multilingual speech recognition"

Dr. Ke Sun, Uni Geneva
Title: "An Intrinsic Geometry of Manifold Learning Theory & Related Algorithms"

Dr. Joan Biel Tres, Idiap Research Institute [more info]
Title: "Mining Conversational Social Video"

Dr. Fabien Ringeval, Uni Fribourg [more info]
Title: "EmotiBoard ‐ Live Multimodal Emotion Recogntion for Augmented Remote Interaction"
12.25 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Interactive Poster Sessions & Coffee

18 Interactive Poster Sessions - Click here for the full list of presentations
Representing all groups & institutions within the NCCR IM2
Including EPFL, ETHZ, Uni Fribourg, Uni Geneva, Idiap Research Institute

16.00-17.00 Legacy 1: IM2 Alumni

Dr. Hayley Hung, TU Delft, The Netherlands [more info]
Dr. Silèye Ba, RN3DLab Innovation [more info]
Dr. Francesca De Simone, Telecom ParisTech, France
Dr. Eric Bruno, Firmenich, Switzerland

19.00 Dinner at the "Table Vallotton" at Rolex Learning Center



09.00-09.10 Opening by Prof Touradj Ebrahimi, NCCR Deputy Director
09.10-10.00 Keynote speaker: Prof. Maja Pantic, Imperial College London

Title: Machine Understanding of Facial Behaviour

Maja Pantic is a Professor of Affective and Behavioral Computing and leader of the i·BUG group, working on machine analysis of human non-verbal behaviour and its applications to HCI.
Prof. Pantic is one of the world's leading experts in the research on machine understanding of human behavior including vision-based detection, tracking, and analysis of human behavioral cues like facial expressions and body gestures, and multimodal analysis of human behaviors like laughter, social signals, and affective states. She is also one of the pioneers in design and development of fully automatic, affect-sensitive human-centered anticipatory interfaces, built for humans based on human models. She has published more than 150 technical papers in the areas of machine analysis of facial expressions and emotions, machine analysis of human body gestures, and human-computer interaction. [more info]
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-11.30 Legacy 2: Selected Start-Up Success Stories

nVisio: Dr. Matteo Sorci [more info]
Klewel: Dr. Sandy Ingram [more info]
Pomelo: Dr. Jean-Baptiste Keller [more info]
Koemei: Dr. John Dines [more info]

11.30-12.30 Legacy 3: Selected IM2 Follow Up Projects

Valais*Wallis Digital: Dr. Andrei Popescu-Belis, NCCR co-IP head [more info]
ICC'2013: Dr. François Foglia [more info]
MAAYA: Prof. Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, NCCR co-IP head [more info]
Human-IST: Dr. Denis Lalanne, NCCR IP head

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Keynote speaker: Prof. Mor Naaman, Cornell Tech NYC

Title: Telling The World's Stories from Social (Multi)Media

Mor Naaman is an associate professor at Cornell Tech in New York City, where he is part of the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute. At Cornell, Mor continues to direct the Social Media Information Lab that he founded at Rutgers University, where he served as an assistant professor since 2008. He is also a co-founder and Chief Scientist at, a startup founded to make sense of the real-time web and social media.
Mor's research applies multidisciplinary methods to gain new insights about people and society from social media data, and to develop novel tools to make this data more accessible and usable in various settings.
Previously, Mor worked as a research scientist at Yahoo! Research Berkeley, and received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. He is a recipient of a NSF Early Faculty CAREER Award, research awards from Google, Yahoo!, and Nokia, and three best paper awards. Find out more about Mor here.

15.00 - 15.30 Coffee Break
15.30-16.30 Round Table Discussion: Long-Term Research Programs from the IM2 Perspective

Moderator: Mr. Kaspar Meuli, Journalist, Meuli Kommunikation

Participants: Prof. Aude Billard, EPFL, NCCR IP head [more info]
Prof. Hervé Bourlard, Idiap Research Institute, NCCR Director [more info]
Dr. Stephen Flinter, Science Foundation Ireland [more info]
Prof. Steve Renals, University of Edinburgh, former NCCR Reviewer [more info]
Prof. Philipp Rudolf von Rohr, ETHZ & Swiss National Science Foundation [more info]
16.30-16.45 Conclusion by Prof Hervé Bourlard, NCCR Director

Program Co-Chairs :

Dr. Daniel Gatica-Perez
Léonore Miauton
Dr. Andrei Popescu-Belis (Round Table)

Last modified 2013-10-15 10:59

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