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... IM2.DI, intégration de documents dans des archives multimédias de réunions Le dialogue entre l'homme et la machine est à réinventer L'IDIAP LIDIAP : a new lab anchors IDIAP activities at EPFL A New Generation of Meeting Browsers IDIAP finalist for Swiss Technology Award Le Pôle de Recherche National de l'IDIAP renouvelé CINETIS S.A., un Prix Multimédia Européen pour une start-up suisse IM2.BMI Call for project proposals IDIAP 15 Anniversary Workshop online videos Des machines dirigées par la pensée New IM2 Call for Project Proposals “Let’s talk about your future” National Initiatives meeting on Multimedia Content Description and Retrieval. Flying colours on a blue Monday... IM2, Start-ups winners Un prix multimedia européen pour une start-up valaisanne The February Newsletter is online Picture of the month KeyLemon: Winner of the Red Herring 100 Europe NCCR IM2 LinkedIn Group CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE New Book: Multi-Modal signal processing: methods and techniques to build multimodal interactive systems IM2 8th Site Visit Best Student Paper Award Recordings of the workshop on Foundations of Social Signal Processing Next four-year period, 2010-2013, of IM2 approved Alessandro Vinciarelli has been appointed Associate Editor for the Social Sciences Column of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. IM2 is actively participating in AERFAISS'2010, the Summer School on Pattern Recognition and Learning in Multimedia Systems of the Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition ...
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Flying colours on a blue Monday...

Document Actions
Kooaba, ETH spin-off

We have already reported in one of the IM2 Newsletter about the ETH spin-off Kooaba. Kooaba turns real objects into hyperlinks via the mobile phone's camera. Taking a picture of selected objects suffices to get more information about these objects or about related products. October saw the first critical test for the application. 'Le Matin Bleu' ran a digital slapstick, where readers could win prizes, by photographing the corresponding products on a page in the magazine. In the case of `20 minutes', downloaded multimedia galleries enhanced the paper article of interest. Given that mobile phone cameras are not always of the best quality, and that many of the photos taken were noticeably blurred and taken with occlusions and irrelevant clutter, the test was a big success. More than double the number of people participated than what the advertisement departments of the journals had expected. Yet another piece of IM2 technology seems set for the market.

Last modified 2007-10-23 14:38

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