Phase III
Multimedia Signal Processing Group, EPFL
The group is active in research and teaching in the field of multimedia signal processing. The research topics span through four highly interconnected disciplines of multimedia signal processing, namely multimedia coding, processing, security, as well as multimodal interfacing. Multimedia coding includes still image, video and 3D model compression.
(Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi) |
ITS - Signal Processing Institute, EPFL
The Signal Processing Institute (ITS) brings together researchers working at the interface between several signal modalities. The expertise of the lab ranges from digital signal processing to integrated systems design. The main topics investigated are biomedical signal/image processing,computer vision, data compression, media delivery, etc
(Prof. J-P. Thiran, Prof. P. Frossard) |
LASA - Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory, EPFL
Fields covered at LASA include: Learning and Dynamical Systems, Neural Computation and Modeling, Human-Machine Interaction, Humanoids Robotics, Mechatronics, Design of Therapeutic and Educational Robotic Systems.
(Prof. A. Billard) |
VIPER, University of Geneva
The VIPER group of research deal with the processing and management of multimedia. In particular, the research is focused on multimedia information retrieval and organisation
(Prof. T.Pun, Dr S. Marchand-Maillet) |
DIVA, University of Fribourg
The DIVA research group (Document, Image and Voice Analysis) is dealing with multimedia engineering, with a focus on image and signal processing, speech recognition and document analysis. More than half of the research activity is financed by external grants, from public institutions as well as from industrial partners.
(Prof. R. Ingold, Dr. Denis Lalanne) |
Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zurich
The Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zurich, works on the computer-based interpretation of 2D and 3D image data sets from conventional and non-conventional image sources. We perform research in the fields of Medical Image Analysis and Visualization, Shape Modeling and Visualization, and Remote Sensing.
(prof. L. van Gool) |
Department of Psychology: The Cognitive Ergonomics group
The research interests of the group of Cognitive Ergonomics cover the following areas:
- Training
- Automation and complex work environments
- Design of interactive consumer products
- Environmentally-friendly design of consumer products
- Teamwork
(Prof. Jürgen Sauer) |
Last modified
2013-04-29 16:37