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Document Actions

See below some spin-off created in the framework of IM2 project:


With upicto, our goal is to render videos accessible by exploiting its content, in order to effectively assist users. For instance, we show essential snapshots or extracts of videos for a maximum of entertainment and information delivery. During processing, such essential moments can be notified in order to provide a user the interesting events in real-time.


Simpliquity is a swiss company developing software for collaborative work and learning. It creates tangible applications: a mix of traditional tools (small-scale models, paper) and technology (augmented reality, simulations), made for groups working and learning activities. You get the best of both worlds: the simplicity and concreteness of physical objects with the flexibility and richness of software.

Lantern Solution Sàrl

LANTERN Solutions Sarl is a start-up company determined to introduce a breakthrough in how technology should serve classroom education. We suggest a novel paradigm in technology-enhanced learning that remains invisible to the teachers when designing the learning activity and to the students when performing it.

Pomelo Sàrl

Increase the value of your marketing studies with eye-tracking data from customers doing shopping in real world situations. The eye-tracking technology is at the core of the business idea which aims at providing eye-tracking information as a means for analysing visual behaviour. The WearCam, a lightweight, portable, head-mounted eye gaze-tracking device and designed both for adults and children is used to capture data.


sugarcube aims to sweeten the life of users by proposing simple interactive technologies for restructuring, processing and generating digital information. These technological solutions are the result of the unusual wedding of two distinct research domains: (printed) document analysis and human-machine interaction!


Marketers have long sought after quantitative and objective means to gauge consumer emotional responses to their marketing efforts. Traditional methods such as direct questioning have widely acknowledged limitations in discovering emotions that are driving their behavior. nViso tackles this problem by providing automated video analysis to objectively extract emotions from live or pre-recorded webcam or video streams and visualization software, revolutionizing the world of online market research.


Koemei is pioneering the world’s first multiparty collaborative conversational speech recognition platform for high-accuracy transcription in various scenarios including videoconference, telepresence, web collaboration, group meeting, class-room lecture and webcast.


Klewel records the whole information delivered during presentations without requiring any effort to the speakers and by simply pressing a button. Audio channels, video streams and captured slides are all synchronised and timestamped. Klewel automatically distills the core messages of the speaker from the raw audio and video streams thanks to fast indexing technologies developed at the Idiap research institute. Klewel makes the knowledge of the speakers available to anybody through natural language queries - just like your favorite web search engine.

Idiap Research Institut


kooaba provides easy access to mobile content. It is as simple as a hyperlink in the real world. No typing. No codes. Just a picture. The mission is to simplify access to digital information from mobile devices by hyperlinking objects in the real world to relevant content on the mobile Internet.


KeyLemon is a software company which offers personal biometric authentication solutions, based on face and speech recognition.  KeyLemon offers simple, fast and convenient computer access solutions, for example, to lock the computer when the user moves away from it and unlock it, in less time than it would take to enter a password, when the user come back in front of the camera.  KeyLemon has a strategic partnership with the Idiap research institute which continuously provides state-of-the-art face and speech recognition technologies.


Cinetis imagines, develops and commercializes technologies in the domain of content management, image and sound processing applications. Cinetis has conceived and manufactured an affordable film scanner for digitizing 8mm and 16mm film stocks in SDTV (720x576) resolution. Every frame is shot individually and transmitted to a computer which stores the data in a video file. When a soundtrack is available, it is acquired and resynchronized to the pictures in real time during the process. Cinetis has developped a unique video stabilization technology in collaboration with the Idiap research institute in Switzerland.


The mission is to help people take control of their conference calls with a simple, secure, robust and economical service that integrates the best of the Internet and the telephone. Spiderphone offers full-featured audio conferencing, augmented by optional web interfaces that allow people to monitor and control the conference themselves, plus share documents and presentations with others callers and collaborate through the web, all in real-time – and all without any operator assistance or complicated downloads.


PatternLab offers services in the field of information engineering. We specialise in the applications of signal processing and pattern recognition/data mining techniques to hard real-world problems.


IdeArk is entirely dedicated to man-machine interface technologies such as automated machine learning, speech processing, computerized vision, multimedia document indexing, biometric authentification and multimodal interaction. In an environment designed to embrace advanced innovation, the site combines the major competencies of the Idiap research institute acclaimed around the world for its national and international projects with the expertise of other adjacent academic, industrial and business partners.

Anteleon Imaging

Anteleon Imaging is a leading provider of advanced professional solutions in the field of electronic and printed document security and barnd protection. Products of Anteleon Imaging convert static electronic and printed documents into smart multimedia objects capable to perform self-identification, self-tracking, self-authentication and self-tamper proofing and to assist in your complex document management processes. Brand protection technology of Anteleon Imaging makes possible to quickly and reliably identify and authenticate any product using mobile phones. Anteleon Imaging offers independent expertise and consulting for digital media, printed documents and innovative brand protection.


SimpleUI (Simple User Interfaces) helps companies making their products easy and appealing to use for their clients and internal users: websites, user interfaces and in general interactive systems. The method combines log analysis and traditional usability studies to make your product easy and satisfying for customers to use. Simple User Interfaces also develops novel user interface technologies, crossfertilizing its business activities, consulting, and user interface development, with its cutting edge research activities.

Pixartis SA

The system for videoconferencing with automatic speaker detection and tracking comprises first means to pan and zoom on a speaker automatically, to attend a 'head and shoulder' mode, provided that second means detect that a potential speaker rises his/her hand to initiate the tracking. The tracking operates on a 'first-come, first-served' basis, requiring other speakers to wait for their turn. The schedule for the speakers can also be changed interactively by the person who chairs the meeting. The system can be implemented by pure software and runs real-time. It is only limited by the panning speed of the step motors moving the camera.

Last modified 2013-04-30 10:08

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