IM2 LAST Newsletter N°67 (December 2013)
- The IM2 NCCR comes to a close in December 2013
- IM2 Final Event
- Idiap opens its doors to school children during the “Osez tous les métiers” day
- Results of the ICC’ 2013
- Completed Thesis: Dr. Gelareh Mohammadi, Idiap
IM2 Newsletter N°66 (September 2013)
- IM2 Final Event
- Program of the IM2 Final
- Prof. Hervé Bourlard receives ISCA Fellow Award
- Completed Thesis: Afsaneh Asaei, Idiap
- ICC 2013, Congratulations to the
10 selected teams
IM2 Newsletter N°65 (June 2013)
- Valais/Wallis 2015- The Idiap Research Institute selected to lead one out of 13 «star-projects»
- the IM2 final event
- IM2 start-up nViso wins 2013 IBM Beacon Award for Smarter Computing
- Completed Thesis: David Imseng Idiap & Ivan Ivanov, EPFL
IM2 Newsletter N°64 (March 2013)
- ICC’2012 and IM2 spin-off EmoGen receives The Ark Scholarshop
- Call for the second edition of the ICC open
- Completed Thesis: Liang Hui, Idiap
& Dairazalia Sanchez-Cortes, Idiap
- Start Up News: NivPat nominated
IM2 Newsletter N°63 (December 2012)
- IM2 education initiative : Oser tous les métiers
- Great success for the International Create Challenge 2012
- Completed Thesis:Venkatesh Bala Subburaman , IDIAP
- Lantern Solution: a new Start-Up from IM2
- KeyLemon signs biometric agreement with Fujitsu
- Idiap Awards 2012
IM2 Newsletter N°62 (August 2012)
- International Create Challenge, ICC’2012
- BOB is born
- Completed Thesis: Constantin Cosmin Atanasoaei, IDIAP
- ERC Advanced Grant
- SSMS 2012
- Idiap well represented in Bilan’s Top 300 most influential personalities
Centre du Parc, Martigny
September 3-4, 2012
IM2 Newsletter N°61 (May 2012)
- Turn your ideas into a startup at the International Create Challenge 2012
- Contribution to MPEG on evaluation of some objective quality metrics for 3D video
- Multimodal Signal Processing: Human Interactions in Meetings
- The Third General Meeting of the Qualinet COST NoE
- Koemei on stage at the Demo Spring 2012
- MediaSense 2012: Summer School on Multi-modal Data Analytics
IM2 Newsletter N°60 (February 2012)
- 60 Seconds Minutes
- Completed Thesis:
- Mohamamd Soleymani, UNIGE
- Sree Hari Krishnan Parthasarathi, IDIAP
- Anindya Roy, IDIAP
Year 2012
Year 2011
Year 2010
Year 2009
Year 2008
Year 2007
Year 2006
Year 2005
Year 2004
Year 2003
Year 2002
Last modified
2013-12-06 11:36